Cadott Elementary School
Mission: The mission of the Cadott Community School District is to challenge each and every student to reach his or her full potential.
Vision: We will guarantee to provide high levels of learning for all students through multiple educational pathways while providing modern curriculum and facilities.

Cadott Elementary School's staff believes that ALL students are capable of learning at high levels. We define high levels of learning as, achieving grade level or higher essential learning standards. We have built and continue to nurture a culture of collaboration that focuses on learning. We set our academic and behavioral expectations very high and have systems to guarantee that. We have staff assigned at all levels to ensure students master grade-level learning outcomes. If they fall behind on those expected outcomes, the classroom teachers address that and if they fall a year or more behind those outcomes, we have staff that specialize in closing those gaps. With a focus on learning, we know at any point in time, all students will need more time and support to reach the high expectations we have set. The job of an excellent school is to have structures that monitor the mastery of academic and behavioral outcomes and foster a culture where all staff believe ALL students can do it.